Social Media Policy and Disclaimer

Social media is an important tool for building our community, improving knowledge, solving problems, and understanding the work we do in the Office of the Governor and the Office of the Lt. Governor (“Office”). Your comments on our social media channels help us do this work, and we welcome your views on all of the issues we tackle in this Office.

The comments from the public expressed on our social media channels do not reflect the opinions of the Office, nor do we approve the content of any public postings or commentary on our social media channels. You, as the poster, are responsible for your messages.

Our social media channels are limited to the discussion of matters related to the Office and its mission. We welcome all comments, questions, and concerns about these topics that foster discussion and communication. To further this goal, the Office reserves the right to delete comments, without notice, that contain:

  • Obscene, profane, or offensive language (language that the average person would find offensive, such as comments that include expletives or crude or vulgar words, or language that attacks a person solely because of their race, gender, age, national origin, ancestry, disability, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, etc.)
  • Libelous comments (false statements that damage someone’s reputation)
  • Fighting words (statements that tend to incite an immediate breach of peace and are directed at the Governor or Lt. Governor or specific individuals)
  • Threats (statements communicating an intent to commit an act of violence)
  • Comments that appear to incite or further illegal or criminal activity
  • Commercial speech that is deceptive or related to illegal activity (including, but not limited to, misleading or fraudulent advertising for a business with the intent of gaining revenue).

Official Social Media Channels

The following are Office of the Governor and Office of the Lieutenant Governor social media accounts.